

Loading basic configuration is very simple. Simply make a file in your project with any name, for this example we use config.ts.

Then just import createConfigLoader and call it. You can call any option on the builder at that point. The moment you call load() on your builder. it will return your configuration that has been loaded.

See the following example to load from environment variables.

import { createConfigLoader } from '@neato/config';
export const config = createConfigLoader()

About variable naming#

The loaders are naming convention agnostic. It will normalize all variable names (keys) before loading them into an object.

To illustrate, here is an example how names are converted, the following keys are loaded in with default settings:

  • HELLO_WORLD -> helloWorld
  • HelloWorld -> helloWorld
  • HELLO-WORLD -> helloWorld
  • hello_world -> helloWorld
  • Hello_World -> helloWorld
  • hello-world -> helloWorld
  • Helloworld -> helloworld

Nested values inside key-value environments#

In some cases, you cannot represent complex objects in the format. For example, environment variables. For those cases you can use double underscores (__) to specify a nesting level.

For example: