GuideBasic example# See the code snippet below for a usual setup in projects import { createConfigLoader } from '@neato/config'; import { z } from 'zod'; const schema = z.object({ port: z.coerce.number(), }); export const config = createConfigLoader() .addFromEnvironment("CONF_") // loads CONF_PORT=8080 .addFromFile(".env") // loads PORT=8080 from file .addFromFile(".json") // loads { "port": 8080 } from file .addZodSchema(schema) // validates the loaded data to make sure it follow the schema .load(); // this returns the fully type configuration (type infered from schema)import { config } from './config.ts'; import express from 'express'; const app = express(); app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.send({ data: "hello world" }); }) app.listen(config.port , () => { console.log(`listening on port ${config.port}`) })UsageLoaders